For a lot of you, your office has been relocated to your home. This new normal can be a tough transition, so we rounded up some tips from someone who works from regularly to give you some insight. Here is what she said:
If you don't have an existing home office, create a well-lit, quiet area where you can feel comfortable and inspired. Suggestions: a roomy table or desk with a lamp for additional lighting, inspirational sayings or quotes that are visible to keep you motivated throughout the day, a new candle or scent to help reduce stress or anxiety while navigating this new normal
Establish working hours similar to your old routine. Write down a daily schedule including morning/afternoon breaks and a lunch break to keep yourself on task and avoid distractions
Create a checklist of goals and work projects you want to complete throughout the day and reward yourself a "brain break" when those are completed. Examples: a walk around the neighborhood to get fresh air, browse social media, do an at-home workout, play with your pet, socialize with your family members
Find joy in your new schedule, before you may have been rushing through your morning routine and running out of the house. Now, you can take pleasure in the opportunity to slow down and enjoy your morning coffee, Find a specialized drink recipe that you can make similar to your favorite Starbucks order. Purchase the ingredients to make your own version of a latte or frozen coffee drink that you will look forward to waking up and enjoying in the morning.
It will be tempting to look around the house and see chores that need to be completed such as dishes or laundry, however, try to do little things throughout the day to make the list less daunting. For example, make your bed right away in the morning and/or throw in a load of laundry before you sit down to work in the morning. Write a list of chores and a timeline at the beginning of the week and delegate some tasks to family members if possible.
Get up and get moving. Start your day with a shower, or put on fresh clothes (fresh pajamas count) to wake yourself up and get your body moving to start the day.
We hope you found these tips helpful and let us know what works for you!